Sunday, 24 October 2010

Routine - 1

Though it feels like forever, but a finger count tells me otherwise. It’s only been about 3 weeks that we’ve been living together. As in, after I have officially moved in.

And life is good.

Damn good.

We have fallen into a routine. Thank God for that. Though I goof up, once in a while and don’t wake up in time for work. But other than that we’re sorted. At least in this respect.

This is how our day unfolds.

For me

Stupid alarm disturbing my peace

At 6 in the morning

For even more stupider walk/jog/run

Need to lose weight

Shut up, erm, hit snooze

It’s 6.30

Still time for the stupid walk/jog/run

Still need to lose weight

Still shut up/ snooze

It’s 7

I need my sleep

Shut the F up, wouldja?

It’s 7.30

Dammit, we’re late

Scramble outta the bed. Rush to the bathroom, brush in the mouth, rush to the closet, he’s laughing at me, I smile back- trying hard to keep the brush in mouth, rush back to the bathroom.

Life still is good.

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